Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Black Toxic Mold

Stachybotrys, the so-called "black mold," is the "Toxic" of molds. A written history documents the appearance of mold in the 19th century, but is only known to be problematic for humans and animals since the 1930s. Even though scientists have known about stachybotrys for many decades, it's still very unclear what level of exposure triggers serious health problems in some humans. Nonetheless, this mold is an unwanted invader in anyone's home. The good news is that it doesn't show up very often, mainly because this fungus requires high levels of moisture -- which means you should always be aware when your home has had extensive water damage.

How Can Mold Spores Enter your Home?
Open windows
Air-conditioning systems
What to do when mold is found.
If you live in the Seattle,WA area call 425.608.9553 for a professional mold expert or visit the Mold Inspectors website.
While just looking at the mold it is impossible to tell if the mold is toxic and a test should be performed to determine the proper method of cleanup. After the inspection your inspector will instruct proper cleanup.
Can mold be cleaned by the home owner?
Yes, after the test is performed and the mold has been properly given an ID most cases the owner can clean it themselves. But if not cleaned following the professional advise disaster could happen and health issues could arise.
Should I use Bleach?
NO! Do not use regular bleach to clean up the most cases it will come back if you do.
Stay tuned as this article continues......

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